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Although this term may seem simple, i.e. “a person who pays taxes” we need to understand that only a person can pay taxes, but not a living breathing man or woman.
Therefore if you accept this title, you have agreed to become a person, and therefore you have become taxable.


To understand the meaning of Citizen, we must first address the word State.
Note: the word State is referring to your state of mind. Your state of mind has to be controlled to accept the legal fiction of government.
A State is a legal corporation, set within a nation or territory, from which a political community controlled by a government reside. In basic terminology it is a business.
A citizen is a person who owes allegiance to the State, and is entitled to “rights”, privileges and “protection”.
Meaning that a citizen is an employee of the business called “The State”, and as an employee you have traded your freedom and rights, for privileges.
Your status is now at the lowest level.
Note: the word State is referring to your state of mind. Your state of mind has to be controlled to accept the legal fiction of government.
also from what I noticed, many people attach too much with their "own country", like they might feel being attacked or something if you say something bad about that place - when you don't feel anything whenever others mention about the place where you were born to even live in, then it would be a good state of mind.
you are a unique and living and breathing man/woman, not under any imaginary borders.
the forms are written that way... it should be written instead of person to citizen. so how does one correct this?
Dear judge, i am not person?
learn, ask questions
asking, as king :)
the hamster want to break free from his bubble? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
this hamster doesn't reside in USofA.
See? You are going back to "jurisdictions" when in fact is not about that. Start learning before you say more nonsense.
mindset is key, 90% of the work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSZHB7i_i3M
why is it shorten?> this is first time I'm seeing this!
the links? it's SN magic, I just copy/pasted the links
read previous
Amazing. You're educating about the best approach about freedom.
It's been forever now when human freedom has been wrongly interpreted.
When they say, "By doing so you're not abiding to the State."
I reply with MF mode on, "I don't serve the fucking STATE anymore, I'm with the FOSS now.""
Now go read the anatomy of the state by Murray Rothbard
did, gifted about five copies, still have one, listened to the audio on youtube short read