I am author J. B. Schirtzinger. I’m here in part to publicize my newest book, so you can go out and purchase it. (You did know I’d have an agenda right?) However, I thought it might be fun to do an AMA. It’d be nice if the questions were about authoring things, but I can always say “Yeah, I’m not gonna answer that” like a politician if you ask something I don’t want to get into.
Things I like talking about are technology--moreso the older kind than the newer. My first computer was a converted windows 3.1 that ran a 75 mghz processor. Before that, I had some brushes with the Apple II’s and some Commodore 64s. Things took a sour turn when our school system made Mario teach us to type.
My newest book, though written in 2010, is heavily cypherpunk/cyberpunk inspired. There may even be a roman à clef or two in it. Maybe not. It’s the nature of this novel to push the boundaries of where reality is or isn’t. Some might say it is even its purpose.
Anyway, ask away!