You better change the whole system of zaps: LITERALLY CONVERT THEM IN COWBOY TOKENS.
Make users to buy first these tokens, with real sats. Then internally they can use it as zap tokens. Yes sounds like a shitcoinery, but you can extend this to many things. Like a gamification of SN. How you are playing World of Warcraft or something like that.
If they want to "sell" those tokens, make a SN internal auction and people can trade freely between them.
No more wallets, no more sats, no more trouble.
That's what this post describes. What you call "cowboy tokens," I'm calling "fee credits."
maybe is the same, but is really confusing what you describe with that table and external wallets.
Make it simple: you buy cowboy tokens. Done. Or even better make them more "compliant"
It's hard to explain a UX with words, but I wanted to try for people.
If people would prefer I made these kinds of decisions without telling anyone, or getting their input, they can go use any other application on earth and get that experience.
We will trade cowboy tokens on Robosats
Or there could be a dedicated territory for offers and the trade could be done via DMs
It would be preferred to be only inside SN, a special auction desk like in WoW game. To buy a nice cowboy hat and some pistols to shoot shitcoiners... That will keep SN out of fed watching.
If Amazon can sell gift cards without being accused of money laundering then SN should be able to do the same
Very good point
Aren't the fee credits basically gift cards for SN?
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @AG 30 Apr
auction desk like in WoW game
We envisioned something like this, where any user has its own auction desk on the profile page under ads/items. Check #454844 in case you missed it
Still waiting on @k00b or @kr for some updated about the self serve ads as introduced on #454844 We can maybe help somehow to speed up the release of this functionality?