I forgot to add my favorite meme:
Yes, make them pay, not the way around. If you create a system of assmilking, you will not get good things. Scarcity creates more value than you can imagine !
See this comment? And are many more like this:
As I said, many people are looking to every single sat to save, but you encourage them to spend thousands.... And this creates the bad behavior attracting more shitcoiners as SN would be a golden faucet of sats...
We need to attract bees to flowers not flies to shit...
Bees aren't going to be attracted to this flower if there's no pollen.
I'm clearly not saying to frivolously zap everything. I explicitly said to zap the kind of content you want to see more of.
People should absolutely be zapping thousands of sats if someone produces something of value. Why else would good content producers come here?
I am not here because I will get some sats. I am here because I have to help people that knows shit about Bitcoin and other stuff. And I pay for every post I made... btw I am still on top with most comments ever. Not that I brag about, but shows my dedication to help people. Yes, not all my posts/comments are important, but most of them yes.
17042 items posted on SN, just multiply that with the time used to comment. This is one of my contributions to Bitcoin and SN. And also had a cost of posting.