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These days I'm watching Mr. Robot! I'm enjoying it very much!
Elliot’s monologues are amazing and I recommend it to those who haven't watched it yet.
I guess many stackers here have seen this TV series. What do you think about it?
What is your favorite quote from Mr. Robot?
Here are a few that I loved:
This is the world we live in people relying on each other mistakes. To manipulate one another, to use one another. Even relate to one another. A warm messy circle of humanity.
I don't mean to be rude, I'm just being honest.
The devil is at its strongest while we are looking the other way, like a program running in the background silently. While we are busy doing other shit. Daemons they call them, they perform action without user interaction. Monitoring, logging notifications. Primal urges,repressed memories, unconscious habits.They're always there always active . You can try to be right, you can try to be good, you can try to make a difference, but it's all bullshit. It's intentions are irrevalent.they don't drive us, Daemons do.
Daemons. They don't stop working. They are always active. They seduce. They manipulate. They own us. And even though you're with me, even though I created you, it makes no difference. We all must deal with them alone. The best we can hope for... The only silver lining in all of this... is that when we break through, we find a few familiar faces waiting on the other side.
How about you?
Love the show a lot. Fantastic writing and characters, but also a great understanding of tech and privacy.
@Ek has a couple of posts about it (#371578 and #372784), and @WeAreAllSatoshi followed those with two deep dives into the tech on the show (#447642 and #457430).
Not sure I have a favorite off-hand quote, not least because as you note, Elliot gives long, thorough monologues. But all the writing is just so good.
Thank you for the shoutout!
The writing is excellent.
But all the writing is just so good.
I agree!
I like this scene
Everyone steals. Even when both parties think they've gained something from a transaction, one side objectively got the better deal and the other side settled for less. They allowed someone to take more than they could have.
Be a thief. But don't get caught. That's the contract with society. If they don't get caught, they've earned it.
The greatest companies are those that can steal the most from their customers and get away with it.
In all encounters, don't be the one who settles, be the one who steals. Don't let those who steal from you get away with it.
Yeah, I've had thoughts similar to this.
The difference between selling and stealing is convincing the person to give you the money instead of taking it yourself. That's it.
If you can convince someone to give you money, you sold something. It doesn't have to be good, or bad, it just is.
As long as the other person "feels good" about paying for something, it is a legal sale. The moment someone "feels wronged" then you're probably doing something illegal
The difference between selling and stealing is convincing the person to give you the money instead of taking it yourself. That's it.
I feel pretty convinced to give money when I'm staring down the barrel of a firearm.
Many were convinced to give money to Celcius and FTX, but that turned out to be a fraud/theft.
As long as the other person "feels good" about paying for something, it is a legal sale.
Plenty of legal sales end in 1-star reviews with no refund and angry customers. Sales is just another form of theft.
I just don't think its so black and white. Society seems to demonize and criminalize some forms of theft and ignore/glorify other forms.
Those who can consistently and blatantly steal and get away with it are often the most powerful entities in society.
i loved the show I thought the first 2 seasons was some of the best TV, but season 3 and 4 didn't really hit as hard
You can thank Portia Doubleday for that.
What did she do? Lol haven't seen much of her since the show
She was dating Rami Malek and he broke up with her (don't know more details than that) at the end of the second season. She didn't want to be around him after that, so she asked Sam Esmail to write her out of the show.
This was incredibly unprofessional, in my opinion. Mr. Robot was Sam's Magnum Opus, and the final plot revolved heavily around Portia, so to write her out completely ruined everything. That's why the final season feels like freestyle, amateur jazz, at open mic night. (in the boring part of town)
Most people seem to support her decision. I'm not one of them. I'm guessing most casting directors agree with me, though, so that's why you haven't seen her lately.
Ah I see okay yeah makes a lot of sense now, yeah that is a pretty lame thing to do, no wonder she isn't in any shows or movies anymore. Is there like the original concept before she stuffed up the plan? I'd like to read up about it
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I feel like Mr Robot could have been so much better than it was. But still a great series. I also liked some of Elliot's monologues. In fact, I included one of them as a skit on my 2019 mixtape: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBAIGQxPBGg&pp=ygUVbXIgcm9ib3Qgc2tpdCBrb250ZXh0
Great show! I need to watch again to really understand the ending and what it meant but overall entertaining and a sign of the times.
This is some amazing stuff! Thanks for information. I can't wait to watch them.
Nice, I wonder if this part is directly from the book.