As quickly as it came, it left.
I’ve loved a lot of what I’ve seen there but at a certain point it’s far too much. A dictator running short on time without breaking the constitution is going to build a massive city (and build a new volcano??) and bait everyone with 0 taxes? Given the excessive failures of the country over many decades, I’m very bearish of all of these excessive over the top changes. You don’t just snap your fingers and build this without it just as easily be snapped and taken away.
That entrance was wild.
The Bitcoin City plans roughly reminds me of Fordlandia in Brazil - only I have more hope that this kind of planning will work with something like Bitcoin powering it, a lot of work turning remote, and a lot of nations being in decline.
You are not a real bitcoiner if you are not reckless... and Bukele demonstrate is one of us.