Did someone in the saloon recently mention that they started using Obsidian for note taking? I first heard about it from someone here. It's pretty cool. It uses markdown and seems like it would be great when writing complicated SN posts. Any good sources on helping with the learning curve? I've been using the old trial and error all morning.
Still have this open in a tab: #525972
I've tried Obsidian/Notion/other notetaking tools, still haven't found one that works best for me (or more accurately, still haven't taken the time to really organize stuff).
I do enjoy watching a guy on YT named Jeff Su who posts some solid tips for organizational tools (though he's mainly on Notion these days), but be warned that the YouTube Organization/Notetaking rabbit hole is deep.
Thanks. I like the use of markdown and the use of links as a substitute for folders with Obsidian. I'll check out those videos.
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