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The only possible end for an "economy" based on debt is bankrupcy. The only reason it hasn't happened to the $ or the € yet is because they are the biggest. But almost everything bellow them have experienced bankrupcy and all the drama behind it. But the time will come that the $ and the € will also bankrupt. It's really unavoidable.
that doesnt mean bitcoin is the only money.. It isnt.. Forms of money will always come around.. Economy is not a closed system, FIAT may die and will appear again and again. Debt is a tool If bitcoin is the only money, debt will still exist.
Debt is a tool
No, it is slavery.
I think you are confusing usury with debt. debt is a tool that alows progress. Usury linked to FIAT is slavery since the one who controls the print, controls the money. But its a common misconception.
debt is a tool that alows progress.
you cant really discuss any point without vomiting do you ?
Someone must have hurt you really bad.. Feel bad for you
Yes, statists and shitcoiners like you are pissing me off.
You are always the slave of your lenders. No exception. That's why they create that pseudo-money called fiat, to enslave you. That's why bankers own almost everything, because people is so stupid to submit to their issued debt.
Debt is never the solution. Never.
And it is not progress. It is retardation.
Its only slavery if usury is in the picture. Lending money is not always bad.. You have plenty examples where you can use bitcoin as collateral and its still debt. i think most mix the current debt model with debt. Without debt as tool only monopolies could produce. Its important to give small producers a tool to produce, sell, and pay back. If the money emission is not crooked, debt allows markets to figth monopolies
Usury and debt is the same thing, because you submit your freedom and sovereign in exchange of debt. Those who own are slaves of their debt, always. Lending money is always bad, because it means you choose the easy path which is using the resources of those that want to enslave you, so almost all your work is for them in the end. Instead, an intelligent person will always choose to start small and not own anything to anybody, so he remains all the time sovereign.
Monopolies is what banksters are, because they own almost everything, through debt.