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A person actually doing driving, whether employed by owner to drive or driving his own vehicle.
What does "or driving his own vehicle" mean? Seems like you're ignoring that part of the definition in bias of the first sentence.
Note that the definition of “driver” includes one who is "employed" in conducting a vehicle. The definition of “employed” signifies both doing a thing and being under contract while doing it. A “driver” who is “employed” under contract is in the service of another, is liable to perform certain duties, and is also entitled to just compensation, for example a taxicab driver, truck driver, bus driver, limousine driver.
includes, but does not seem limited. The most general definition seems to be "a person actually doing driving" but driving itself is not independently define in the law dictionary.
driving itself is not independently define in the law dictionary.
but you can see it in Driver's license any type of license issued by the state authorizing an individual to operate a motor vehicle on public streets, roads, or highways and Driving privileges means the authority granted to an individual that allows the individual to operate a vehicle of the type and in the manner for which the authority was granted.
expressio unius est exclusio alterius