He completely ignores the illegal camps setup on campus and taking over a building. These are illegal actions regardless of your support of Hamas and Palestinians. Civil disobedience means accepting the legal consequences of your actions. Ask Thoreau and Gandhi and MLK.
Reagan approach to college campus disturbances when he was governor of California
I mean unless you have been so obedient to all the different US leading political parties, that you have no raised or joined any protest, I don't see why you are praising Reagan's approach.
  1. Civil disobedience does not imply you have to take legal consequence. The very fact you only list the leaders show how incorrect it is. Historically the leaders and those who are caught would accept the legal consequences.
  2. Modern day public disobedience have been very much decentralised and fairly leaderless. Good luck with mass arrest with legal consequences not leading to a massive social issues.
  3. both Gandhi and MLK movements came together with mass riots from other political activists.
The goal for any "illegal" means to protest isn't to get arrested, that would be very much against the point lol
What you are advocating is anarchy and social disorder
Some of us still want a society based on rule of law
Rule of Law, not rule by law. Learn the difference.
Which part of North Korea are you from? Or are you new to this world, only getting exposed to social movements? The US literally had a deadly riot over a beer ban, hell most democratic countries had public disobedience or riot some part of its established history.
Rule of law is rule by law.
You are confusing rule by law with rule by men or tyrants.
You are also confusing civil disobedience with rioting. Riots are not civil.
1965 watts riots were an example of social decay not civil disobedience
The French Revolution was a disaster because of the guillotine.
Social movements don’t require chopping heads or arson or theft
They are two entirely different concept. https://vannormanlaw.com/rule-law-vs-rule-law/
I am not confusing civil disobedience with rioting, I am telling you in most democratic countries have its fair share of literal riot and made progress.
The idea that public disobedience would mean no rule of law, is funny, because it's often a topic of debate that civil disobedience can lead to correction to injustice in the society, including unjust law eg discrimination. (probably too in-depth for you though, given you can't distinguish between the two)
Have you been blocking traffic recently?
I hope you get run over next time
I thought you believe in rule of law, why would you want me to get run over and not arrested if that's the case?
You should get arrested. But you deserve to get run over for blocking traffic because blocking traffic is illegal