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So grateful to @davidw for his thoughts on the topic of Scarcity here #528956. In his words the conclusion for scarcity in Money means
Eventually, scarce money creates abundance
This led me to research a bit about the narrative of scarcity for humans. I went about in search for various related topics and reached my own conclusion that the love for scarcity in things and narratives is an inbuilt trait of human psychology. Humans are more inclined naturally towards anything that is scarce in this world, be it money or anything else.
Scarcity prioritizes our choices and it can make us more effective.
This 'scarcity phenomenon of human psychology' applies to Bitcoin similarly.
Or, Do we over-exaggerate 'Bitcoin's Scarcity' while talking about it?
IMO, Bitcoin's popularity as money is attributed mostly to its scarcity. Our natural instinct is that we would buy anything or everything that is scarce in this world, and so is Bitcoin.
So, here's what I want to add to @davidw's words (with all due respect to him)—
Scarcity creates abundance by making things desirable.

Kindly enlighten this post with your perception of scarcity in terms of Bitcoin?

I probably should have made clearer that my own interpretation was that scarcity can create more scarcity, at least as a collective society. Due to our inability to deal with scarce resources at first, seeking an upper hand.
But there is then an inflection point that creates abundance. Once people are motivated to change and share the fruits of their labour with others.
Parker Lewis was the one that concluded scarcity in money creates abundance #376139
I keep getting drawn back to this post and I have so much to say but it doesn't really give a perception of scarcity in terms of bitcoin - or maybe it does? I don't know lol.. I am going to write my thoughts down later and see where they lead!
I'm waiting for your thoughts ..
they will come ... i am processing them whilst I paint a bedroom!
I dont think it is just the scarcity that draws people towards btc. Just knowing that the government didnt create it, that its not theirs, also plays quite an impact. Especially for people that are already tired of the government. Its not like they can just turn the printers on and print btc!
I didn't say that it's just scarcity. But it definitely plays a significant role while shaping human psychology for something.
I agree. But I dont believe that is the greatest aspect people embrace about btc.
People get naturally inclined to things that are scarce.
All of those stupid limited edition products! SUPREME lol
Yes, companies do create euphoria for selling products, and they all do it because it's inbuilt in our psyche.
Nice post
Thanks mate.
Great article!
Perhaps scarcity can create abundance, but not if there's a lack mentality - which is common.