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Real Estate

Real estate is not property, but many people think it is and enter into contracts where they own nothing, using this legal term.
The word “real” comes from the Latin root word res, meaning “thing” or “significant”, and from the Latin word rex, meaning “king”, which became “reg”, and then “regalis”.
By late Middle English it had become regal, meaning “royal” or “real”.
Estate has its origins based on the Latin word stare meaning “to stand”, which became status, then from Old French “estat”, which became “estate” from Middle English, meaning “state” or “condition”.
Therefore, as historically all land was owned by kings, “real estate” means “land owned by the king”.
Real estate became a legal term in the 1660’s to identify a royal grant of estate land, meaning the “king” had granted one of his “subjects” the use of his land.
Not only did the king “own” the land, he also owned everything upon it and everything it produced, the “subject” just had use of it, and was taxed accordingly.
Note: the great fire of London was in 1666. Prior to the fire, original property deeds had allodial title, whereas after the fire, deeds were re-named “real estate”.
In 1670-era London, the legal term “realty” came from “real estate” and is still used to this day, meaning if you buy “real estate” from a “realtor” or “estate” agent, you have only bought the title to use it, you do not own it.
Note: the acronym LOT means, “lease of title”. Therefore, if you purchased a LOT, you do not have allodial title of the land or property, just lease of a jurisdiction placed upon it.
The word lot comes from the French word “allotement”, which is from Old French word “aloter” meaning to “divide by lots”, and then portioned or assigned for use.
This deception occurs as most people believe they are conducting trade, when in fact they are acting within commerce.
It begins with physical land, which is quickly switched into a “paper” version of the land through a survey, which means to “examine” or “to see”.
This survey or jurisdiction is then placed within a corporation, and then an “interest” in the survey is offered for sale to unsuspecting customers.
Interests are sold as the corporation subdivides the survey into lot numbers; with those who purchased an “interest” only holding the lowest title to the survey, with others having a higher claim.
Just because you own something, doesn’t mean you own it.
Just because you own something, doesn’t mean you own it.
do we really own anything besides Bitcoin and our time? 👀
I've read it somewhere that real estate isn't real and only real property is real.
So, real estate doesn't mean real property? Real property is much different than the real estate because only real property gives us real rights to use it as we desire.
Idk, but this is what I remember. Is it the same?
English is so fucked:
real = royal = real(like spanish eg Real Madrid) = man = sovereign
royals are real (wo)men, the subjects are chattel, persons
real estate is the estate of the king and you have to pay to use it
Allodial title means nobody else can touch it, not even for collateral for a mortgage or property tax, or zoning rules...
Nothing is yours when you accept it to be.
Your body is yours and in fact your mind is yours. It's your responsibility not to mortgage your body and your mind to the state.
Those who act for sovereignity may risk what is already not theirs, but by doing so they can save what is theirs.
From yesterday, I've been learning a lot about allodial rights, but sadly I can't find a place where they are practiced as of now. There's no place on the earth where one can be an allodial.
As you said, your state of mind can make you so_reign, so I want to declare here that I am now the owner of mu body and my mind and in no way I'm gonna give these up.
Every real American, not US shitizens chattel, have their property owned with Allodial title automatically, per the Constitution.
It's possible, everywhere, just have to know how
It seems that "you will have nothing and you will be happy" comes from much earlier.
nothing new under the sun
I'm afraid that's how it is.
Thank you so much for the details.