Siggy, I don't think you have enough territories to look after. SN wants more!
Why don't you revise the news territory? KR and I talked about possibly crowdsourcing that after MSM.
That would be a good idea! Let's think about crowdsourcing it. Just this morning I was having trouble choosing an appropriate territory.
Yes, but I am sure lol will be disappointed to lose my weekly post about clown world Canada news.
They're right, for the wrong reasons ofc...
This is the dilemma the fiat ponzi finds itself in, printer faster and faster or enter an unstoppable deflationary collapse...
It's only new spending that can balance the dollars destroyed in a debt-based system.
The earmarked money not being spent right away is by design, that's the merger of the Treasury of the Fed, one creates the supply while the other distributes it. This is how huge sums get "spent" but are dripped slowly into the economy to contain a run on the currency and create the appearance of stability.
The fake pandemic was the opposite, they had to flood money to prevent the deflationary spiral, hastily via stimmies/PPP was the only option... and locking down the economy was necessary to slow that new monies velocity.
The fake pandemic happened and trillions in new printercoins in an election year, it's election time again and the fed/treasury is trapped🍿 Get your extended blackout supplies ready.
This came to mind. Might be too hip of a reference for you though.
Wile E is a personal hero. Couldn't stand that bird.