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Howdy Stackers!
I've been on stacker news only for a few days now and been thinking about getting into the groove for a while now. However, I'm so inexperienced a writer that I don't know 'how tos' and 'what tos' on SN.
TBH, I came here thinking that it must be another platform where people gather together to take down on each other. As it's a fashion for long on the likes of Reddits, facebooks, and twitters (Xs). I thought that it won't be a platform where I could learn something πŸ˜‰ except for jokes and shitty posts.
Now after spending just a few days, I can say with all my heart that SN is the platform which I have always been looking for. It's by far the greatest and most learned platform full of Bitcoin pundits from whom I can learn a lot.
However, while my objective remain learning from SN, but at times I want to share some of my inputs as well. But I'm still trying to figure out so I shall be highly grateful if you can please show me the way β€”
what l should write about here? Also can I know your vision of writing on SN?
Most importantly, I want to know how to be among the popular names like @davidw, @siggy47, @Undisciplined, @grayruby, @0xbitcoiner, @cryotosensei and @Coinsreporter here. πŸ˜‚
Welcome aboard! I'm glad you're already seeing how special SN is.
When I started using Stacker News, I didn't quite get it. I was sharing links to anything and everything even remotely Bitcoin related: basically the same firehose approach that works on other social media.
I realized eventually that the high quality engagement is what's special here, so I started writing more comments and putting more thought into them. My early discussion posts were mostly me asking questions that interested me and that I thought people here would have interesting perspectives on.
Now, the communities become pretty diverse, so I'd recommend just writing about whatever you feel like writing about. Don't feel like you have to do anything in particular though.
Oh so you were one of "those people". I think I made a post once telling people to stop zapping and encouraging people that are just sharing links and videos with no context. What an arrogant ass I am. Oh well too old to change now.
I needed to hear it. Whether it was you or not, seeing that sentiment expressed got me to adjust what I was doing here.
I think you and I started posting on SN around the same time.
The first items of both of you are literally just one day apart.
and you were just 100 items away from being #88888
Thank you so much. Will try to be diverse as and when I can.
Oh! So there are links that insee sometimes get noticed more. So, posting links is also a way to be in the groove?
If you're going to post links, which I still do plenty of, it's much better to add some context or thoughts of your own. Links by themselves, especially from a stacker you don't know well, don't usually get much traction.
To be among the popular ones read this
Thanks for sharing these articals. These posts will be definitely helpful for me to grow.
Awesome. Glad you are enjoying it.
Write about whatever you like and are well versed in and most of all just have fun doing it. It's great to stack some sats but more fun to stack while having some fun with like minded people.
Yes I'm enjoying it. I will follow as you say. I saw that you own sports territory. Which sports do you like? I'm a fan of cricket and chess.
I wouldn't say I own it. I did found it and keep it running but ultimately it is just a part of the broader SN site.
There used to be a chess territory. @needcreations_ ran it. I am sure you will find some interested parties if you want to post about chess.
I am doing my best to learn about cricket from @Coinsreporter. I live in Canada and my business partner for the business I used to own was born in India so I learned about about the Indian culture from him, so I knew a bit about Cricket but not all the rules. I love baseball so it reminds me of baseball. I am doing my best to follow the Indian Premier League. I believe @Coinsreporter wants to do a cricket pool, so I am looking forward to that.
I am interested in almost all sports but I mostly follow the main North American sports leagues: MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL.
Thanks for the mention and I've formed some rules for the pool. I will come up with a detailed post about it in a day or two.
Haha! Am I the popular name here? I don't know about that.
I think he is a cricket fan.
I am also a cricket fan and a player.
Ahha! You too! I'm gonna cover T20 World Cup this year. You can follow me to get updates on cricket.
Titans vs SuperKings on a channel I get in Canada called Willow. They show a lot of cricket.
Indian premier league (IPL) is running here. In India people crazy for IPL. There are so many country's player like India ,Australia, south Africa, England, Sri Lanka and afganistan play in this league.
Today Titans won by 35 runs.
Ahh I see! You recognise me as a cricket fan. Thanks and I recognise you as baseball fan. 😜
Welcome! So glad to have you here! Please do contribute and share. If you're not dealing in πŸ’©πŸͺ™s you'll find support, information, but also challenges to your perspective. I see this as a growth place. Not always comfy, but always positive.
Thanks for your positive response. Happy to know about contribution. Contribution means zapping sats? If that's, I already doing it and will do more and more.
I meant contributing content, but yes ⚑Zaps, too!
Ohhh , okk okk thank you very much. For your valuable response.
Thanks for tagging me among these giants. Welcome to SN!
There are two kinds of writing: free writing (where you just write about a topic for 5-10 mins continuously without censoring your thoughts) and deliberate writing (where you slavishly labour over each and every word because you want to make a difference with your writing ~ leave a legacy, promote a cause, etc)
Note that your free writing posts may just generate more zaps than your deliberate ones because Stackers may resonate deeper with the former. You can’t exactly predict your audience’s response, which is what makes writing fun.
I think regardless of the form of writing you choose, the key thing is to be consistent. I shamelessly post something every day.
Ahh! Than you so much for such a detailed answer.
I liked reading from you, and for me you're a giant as well.
I will follow every bit as you mentioned. You're definitely write about consistency.
You just have to keep posting quality material. You can do it!
Yes. I will. You can suggest what type of material you like?
FYI if you're looking for what readers value, as judged by how much they zap a post, you can do some searches like the following:
That'll give you the top ranked posts for a specific month (change the parameters as desired).
Thanks for your valuable reply. I am learning a lot from your guys. I noted one thing every person on SN is very humble. they want everyone to learn and grow together.
Welcome! SN gets under your skin. The incentives have been properly set up to reward quality. As long as the maintainers continue to prioritize quality over quantity, that is, wikipedia vs reddit, then it has a very bright future. Admittedly, I still have not fully committed, but I know that when I have good ideas for write-ups that SN will get my best. Unlike OP, popularity is not what I am seeking. It's sharing knowledge. Always has been for me. But even if I engage with just one or two people here on a meaningful level, I will consider this a huge success.
Thanks for your suggestion.
bitcoin = multi-burrows. All those Burrows = SN Remember that those people you find on those social networks live mostly frustrated and asleep, hence the fact that you only find people spreading poison there (again, mostly). On the contrary, SN is full of other types of people, Awake People, educated, willing to help others, people teaching others, and the motivation of those who live in bitcoin is very different from those people who still do not understand it and continue wandering without encouragement or motivation through life, suppressed by the Fiat system.
Yes I believe what you are telling.
The whole point of being potentially anonymous is to be able to be yourself. What you are asking is how to gain acceptance from everyone else. Screw all that. Just say what you have to say.
You are absolutely right. But without knowing that what kind of this Platform, how can I post anything??