I'm actually starved to see men heros. The only female hero movie I actually enjoy is wonder women, but super girl, mr marvels.. eh just not for me. I even liked ant man until they introduce wasps. Now I don't even watch them.
this territory is moderated
B-b-but white men are pure evil, don't you know?!?!
I'm sick and tired of these shit bags in suits pushing their woke-agenda down our throats wherever they deem fit.
classic brain washing
This is the state of our country now...we have to get used to it. Fight what we can!
Im not a fan either. It just ruins a lot of tv shows and movies. They would be so much better if they focused on the material.
Oh man, I was just thinking back. Have you ever seen the movie Nausicca of the Valley of the Wind? Princess hero!!!
i'll check it out
Studio Ghibli has showings in theatres right now! You can watch the english or japanese version.