What are people expecting/predicting to see from Bitcoin the network in the next 8 years?
Interested in hearing everyone’s predictions for the network, adoption, tech innovations, game theory for the next decade…anything and everything that is NOT related to price.
Would be great to include the likely probability of this happening & why you think that to be the case
  • Prediction - Up to 10 countries (~5%) may have CBDCs built upon the Bitcoin network, utilising the decentralised node, mining & lightning infrastructure (exc. the asset)
  • Probability - 25%
  • Reason - Witnessing first hand the flaws in centralised infrastructure and the threat to Cyberattacks, some countries could stop short temporarily of relinquishing control of their monetary rights but instead choose to utilise the security of the network to bootstrap their new currencies (at least in the short term).
I think the Trojan Horse is already inside the gates, and the Bitcoin incentives are already infiltrating fiat power structures. There may not be a final battle, between fiat and Bitcoin. Fiat and governments will just slowly fade into irrelevance.
Honestly I feel like the US gov is going to try to ban mining and implement CBDC. In the meantime, more and more people (especially top economists/financial minds, and tech people) are going to see why bitcoin is important/inevitable. There's going to be a fracture. It'll either break the US as the leading world power, or it'll break the political party that opposes bitcoin and the US maintains its position by being one of the first world powers to fully embrace it. I have no idea how optimistic to be about any of that.
More specifically for bitcoin, I think there's going to be a major dip when the US tries to ban it (*possibly $10k or lower), but it'll be too late, and a lot of people are going to buy the dip. That'll be game over against the fight for bitcoin, because that will signal to politicians that support bitcoin is an easy win. And then the price is never going back down. That's why I think there's a chance the government fight against bitcoin will necessarily destroy us....
No matter what happens, I don't think the transition is going to be pretty.
*Also, side note, the moment Dave Ramsey endorses bitcoin, the entire Bible Belt is going with him, and the price is never dropping below that bump again lol
Prediction - at least 20 countries will have adopted Bitcoin as legal tender by the year 2030. Probability - 51% Reason - Game Theory. First, slowly. Then, suddenly.