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Well sure, pushups aren't the only exercise I do. I do other types of calisthenics as well, but I don't really follow any routine or plan. I just do whatever I feel like and/or have access to. Also, yoga, some hiking/walking, and of course, generally trying to eat more-or-less healthily (high quality fats, lots of protein i.e. eggs, steak, grass-fed butter, MCT oil, Greek yoghurt, avoiding sugar, seed oils and highly processed foods, etc). I also slept on a yoga mat for 3 months, I don't know how much that affected my physique. Now that I'm on the road again I've been sleeping in beds and not been able to keep that great of a routine both in terms of foods and exercise, so we'll see if and how much that's going to affect me.
Interesting, interesting... But how is sleeping on a yoga mat supposed to help?
Better for posture, supposedly. Also, a nice side effect was that it was easier to wake up in the morning as you are not as comfortable and would rather just get up and go about your business instead of laying there for "5 more minutes" :D
Better for posture, supposedly. 😜
it was easier to wake up in the morning as you are not as comfortable and would rather just get up and go about your business instead of laying there for "5 more minutes" :D
Yeah, that'll be the "benefit" they're really referring to 😆