Your home culture is an invisible cage, which could potentially limit your growth.
Sharing one funny story, I had my ear piercing about 18 yr, and my dad was so mad at me. Then I often see these cute little girls are already wearing earrings in Turkey, maybe like 5 yrs 😂 ...Many things don't make sense in a place, yet it could be perfectly normal somewhere else. Don't let your home culture limit you or tell you what to do; I think one of the best things you can do is see it from far away, explore around, and then choose what works for you instead of doing what everyone is doing there.
And one thing I noticed is that many people still love to hang out with people coming from the same place and barely leave their own bubbles, even within nomads, expats, or people who moved abroad long time ago would still be married to people coming from the same place, I guess mostly due to convenience and it's easier? nothing is wrong with that but it's quite interesting.
It's hard to overstate how valuable travel is.