In the right spaces, you won't have to shout to be heard. You won't have to shine a flashlight on your wounds to be seen. You won't have to change the language in your soul's dictionary to be understood, and you will be able to come as you are without having to alter your identity… But only in the right spaces!
maybe you only wanted to be heard by the right people too:)
Yep! It should be added, "by the right people". "In the right places and in front of the right people, you won't have to ...".
No see, she was trying a gotcha moment because she thinks she is special here.
(The women tend to get treated special)
(Typical basement dwelling fat fucks)
Your language is unproductive.
Your language is unproductive.
Man I can’t disagree with you there. I can get very straightforward and it doesn’t make for a productive discussion. People get butt hurt.
Some people maybe, but even without my getting butt-hurt, I still find your manner unproductive. You can highlight something you find reprehensible without elitist, judgmental outbursts.
Like I said, no argument here.