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So it’s hostile when it doesn’t align with your view.
But toxicity is a good thing if you are pushing BTC right?
@bitties I have had my head bitten off here because I put XMR in a post. And have been called at shitcoiner not by one stacker but by several not that long ago. I'm very open-minded here. I can't speak for everyone else. Trust me when I SAY this, I'm not against you.
Allow me to say, you do not benefit from being rude.
You are the guy giving me warnings on my bio.
I see now what you were trying to say, except it’s much worse.
@bitties are you looking into sovereignty?
Yes. Slowly. I am ignorant so far. Beginning that journey.
Good for you, I too am on this journey. I hope to learn whatever I can from you(maybe you discover new information?), @Lux and maybe even @DarthCoin. Have you looked into https://onestupidfuck.com/ ? <---fyi that's the website.. I mean no offense
Sovereignty is not just a card that says "this card is your free out of jail pass". Is a much broader universe that people must study.
Lux is giving you important daily pills, because he already studied them and just want to share them with you (only the ones that can pay attention to important things in life).
I AM STRONGLY suggest to pay attention to every pill is posting Lux, every day and take notes. You will tank him later, when you will truly understand all these aspects. This is a long journey, that start by comprehending all these terms that usually we do not give any attention in our fucked up daily life.
Once you comprehend how the world function, you go to the next level: prepare your DEFENSE (always in defense) and papers.
The next level is putting in practice (and usually is after months/years of study) and even perfection it. Each individual will have a very different use case. But the common ground is: NATURAL LAW.
I see here many people that still do not get what is natural law. And that is sad.
I will check it out. Ty for the productive conversation.
okay my experience will always be different from yours. You're at liberty to do as you wish.
my experience has been both good and bad. Unfortunately, both have been at the far right and left of the spectrum.
I am sorry if I have offended anyone. My point is that it’s very close minded to say things that put you above others.