What countries (people in government) can do to spur Bitcoin adoption among it's population would be to provide legal clarity and investment with several policies:
  • Guarantee legal rights for transacting with Bitcoin and for sovereign ownership of Bitcoin keys.
  • Provide clear guidelines for businesses and government to accept Bitcoin as a method of payment, for exchanges to operate and financial institutions to work with Bitcoin.
  • Provide tax incentives to utilities and investors to implement Bitcoin mining to secure the grid and to explore previously unprofitable energy resources leveraging mining infrastructure.
  • Invest in startup incubators, provide grants, and create subsidies to develop Bitcoin technologies: layer 2s (e.g. Lightning), FOSS non-custodial wallets, apps, blockchain expertise.
  • Provide tax incentives for transacting with Bitcoin under certain circumstances.
  • Public awareness and education: Teach children the importance of sound money and the technology of Bitcoin.
LOL can you explain the term "legal rights" ? WTF is that?
wow statism is at high levels nowadays...
There are other forms of "legal rights": Constitutional Rights, Civil Rights, Property Rights, Contractual Rights, Human Rights. These are enforceable by the law of the land.
No. Anything preceeding to the word right is not a right. Is a privilege.
Slavery is a privilege for the slave-owner. But it is not a privilege for the slave. Should a freed slave consider freedom a "privilege" or a "right"? I'll wait...
Here is an example of a legal right: An employer in America cannot fire you because of the color of your skin or your religion or your gender. People have "legal rights" and other protections.
No, that is not a "right". It's a privilege, a contract rule.