As we embark on a new month and near the halfway point of 2024, I am reflecting on my 2024 goal of 200 check-ins at my gym, and May goal of 20 check-ins.
Today I completed the
goal. I checked-in on 20 of 31 days, which is roughly 2/3 (64%) of days. I don't find that 64% feels impressive. It is closer to 50 than it is to 100. Zooming out to the 200-in-2024
goal, 200/366 days will only be 54%.By showing up a seemingly low 54% of possible days in year, I will reach my goal. I will be in better shape than most people. I will push my health forward. I will learn about the power of consistency.
Imagine if I set goals that demanded more than 54%.
Consistency-Based Goals
My approach to goal setting is consistency-based. Over the years, I have observed the impact of consistency on results. Check-in 200 times. Save $100/week. Approach 10 women/day. Consistency in effort drives results over time.
You can know your commitments by your results, not by what you say your commitments are. - 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership
Current Goal Progress
Tracking my
goal:Goal Progress: 87 / 200
████▒▒▒▒▒▒ 43%
Year Progress: 152 / 366
████▒▒▒▒▒▒ 41%
Overall, I am right on track for the year. This includes taking a week off for an injury and taking many unplanned days off for family care. Planning for a buffer has allowed me to stay on track.
With 30 full weeks left in the year, I have to show up 3.7x per week (16x per month) to hit the 200 mark.
Subtracting 4 weeks for obstacles, my target actually needs to be 4.3x per week (18.6 per month).
Why This Goal is Working
The Goal is Specific: Check-in at the gym (and bust my ass) 200 times in 2024.
The Goal is Measurable: Every visit gets checked-in, there is a clear place to see the numbers.
The Goal Supports Subgoals: The overarching
goal is the cornerstone to achieving several subgoals that I have, many of which are subjective - Improve my health, eat better, sleep better, fuck better. Some are objective - 10 unbroken strict pull-ups. Success of subgoals is dependent on the overarching goal.The Goal is in My Control: Achievement is up to me. If I show up consistently, I will hit the
goal. Showing up is my choice. I might have a hard day, I might never do 10 pull-ups, but showing up is my choice. Yes, roadblocks will appear. Initially, the target of 200 felt a bit low, but I left room for the unknown - injury, the gym could burn down, or my wife might get a cancer diagnosis. These things are always possibilites, and it is my choice how to deal with them.Success is Driven By Consistency
Showing up consistently creates the space for success to occur. From within this goal, many different results have arisen.
The primary goal should be in your control and driven by consistency - Show up 200 times, Attend 100% of Classes, Approach 500 women - These are all based on Consistently Showing Up To Do The Work.
Once you are at the gym, push yourself as hard as you can (what is the point of showing up if you are not going to try your best?) and the results will follow.
Also, leave space for your humanity.
function in Google Sheets to create a progress bar.