Also, you can follow conscious wealth podcast. He got a wealth of information as well. Jeremy Griffin. It would do you some good if you listened to one/2 podcast just to soak up information. I will that Brandon Joe Williams has a curiosity mind podcast to listen if it interests you.
great thanks, anything that is not in english?
Are you asking for the Spanish equivalent?
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @AG 1 Jun
yes Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, even Easter European languages if you have any
wich language?
0 sats \ 6 replies \ @AG 1 Jun
any other european language will help. Ideally I'd like to share and dscuss valid material with friends and family that does not speak english
@DarthCoin do you have these kind of resources this users seeks?
Just like Lux says, I'm sure they exist. I'm still new to this. I'm still trying to find it in my own language as I learned about the podcast literally yesterday. I know that Jeremy Griffin has a YouTube channel, it might be translated. So for sure check it out, you might even find other influencers. I hate YouTube I usually use invidious because of its algorithms.
20 sats \ 0 replies \ @AG 1 Jun
thank you I'll look into it and see if I find any other reference
I know there's a lot of activity in Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Balkans.. Darth can link spanish heres a balkan resource I don't have atm any links, usually easy to find on facebook(i dont use) or telegram groups
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @AG 1 Jun
yeah I don't use F or TG either, that's why it's a bit harder. If you find any other links please share, especially if German or Italian
i will