aka the so called Oslo "freedom" bullshit conference. Everybody is talking nice, but nobody is saying HOW TO FUCK THE GOV or at least how to make it obsolete.... They just talk nice and and say meaningless crap. What is funny is that people pay to attend that crap bullshit event that is meaningless.
NOBODY WANTS TO TAKE ACTION and make govs OBSOLETE. Is so fucking simple damn it.
I am really tired of people talking crap but doing nothing. After the conferences, they just go to vote a fucking politician and now they even donate their sats to them OMG.
They just talk nice and and say meaningless crap.
met someone today who wanted to help some crafts by applying finance from the gov...and she even suggested me to apply from the EU, me eye-rolling 😂
peak idiocy
learned my lesson to stay away from these ppl...it seems that they don't understand this solution exist.
my approach was proving a real solution to the problems without begging anyone.