pull down to refresh

Yeah I didn't notice the x and y axis' that the circles already kinda made, or I probably wouldn't have used coordinates like this. I figured using them at the clue start point 0,0 then plotting according to that and drawing a path.
Like, is (1,0) up, down, or right? same question for (0,1)
If the center "5" were the starting point, 5EFH7q6, plotting as (x, y)
Hm, still can't seem to get it... two potential outstanding things in my mind:
For clues 2 and 3, do they follow a path, or does each direction go from the same starting place like in clue 1? for example... I've been assuming if clue 2 starts from 5, it would be 5V1hmjw rather than 5VHH11z, and clue 3 starting from 5 would be 5EW7HhmY rather than 5E7h111z. Is that correct?
How do J and SSS and 5 rows / 7 columns play into it?
Thanks for sticking with me this long lol. I know I'm giving a lot away to anyone that bothers to read this far, but if they can figure it out before me at this point, they deserve it lol
Yes each clue was to represent 3 different start points and 3 different paths, J's and S's just there as additional clues that the grid represents this month of August. And i doubt anyone will read this far LOL until @k00b incorporates 'sort by recent comments' or something
Oh gotcha, I was overthinking the Js and S's then, that's my bad. And yeah I get that they're three different paths, I just want to make sure I'm following the directions correctly
For example, each coordinate from clue one is relative to the same starting point.
But, I'm assuming this is NOT the case for clues 2 and 3.... And I want to double check that. For example, does NN reference the same character twice, or does it mean move up twice? Same for XX 45 00, XX 45 00, XX 45 00 - does that mean it's the same character 3 times, does it mean move left 3 times?
Yes 2 and 3 are a little different than 1 in that the 'path' part doesn't have the start point in it like the first clue does but they do make a path, rather than just referencing the same characters.
Originally I wanted to use a calendar and a start/end date as clues with one long pathway also somehow encrypted. Then I thought, if you can decrypt the pathway (which I would want to be relatively easy) one can probably trial and error the solution that I had, so I thought I should break up the url into three sections and have 3 mini paths that lead around the calendar, each from a specific start day based on some 'this day in history' stuff in August
Could you give an example of how you would draw that path if you started at "5" in the picture?