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We are all stardust, quite literally 👀
Aye, so we shouldn't waste energy with politics.
We have the same comical zip code in the universe, live under the same sky, and breath the same air. So let's not fight.
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Starseeds are living entities born from stardust.
then what's difference between Starseeds and humans
Starseeds are highly evolved beings. Humans are still not evolved, not even prepared to understand that level of intelligence. Humans are still voting for governments, aka their own slavery...
most humans are still like children, crying for big daddy.
then how the not stupid humans can evolve into being Starseeds? 👀
You cannot "evolve" directly from the human body and brain. You have to leave this human body and mind. Once your soul / spirit is leaving the dead useless body, you can evolve or "be accepted" to the starseed universe. You must prove you've done your part.
Don't worry you will get there after many deaths and rebirths until your soul and mind is ready and prepared. But until then is a continuous fight, and mostly with yourself.
What are your thoughts on this? @DarthCoin
not darth but sharing my thoughts
Don't vote, don't even waste your attention with it, avoid even discussing it with others because many are so brainwashed with nationalism, and there are many better things to do with our limited time.