Yes, I remember there were a few annoucements a couple weeks ago. I have very specific guidelines. I want a wallet that doesnt have my name attached. I would like to be able to turn the sats from the lightning side to the bitcoin side. Is that even possible? Do you understand what I mean?
You mean...... like a swap service ?. I have a wallet directory too if that helps (a bit outdated tho)
Oh, its called swapping?
Yeah lemme explain some of them :
Trusted swap : straight forward exchanging onchain sats to LN sats or vice versa based on trust (usually bcs the software is closed-source)
Atomic swap : using HTLC which mean it's either successfully happened in a non-custodial manner or not happened at all
Splicing : spending your LN sats to Onchain address. There is no exchange interaction actually
Robosats : coordinated exchange swap using hodl invoice to create non-custodial UX
Lastly, closing your channel (least recommended)
Maybe what I want is called splicing? I would like to send these sats to an old btc address.
Anything i mentioned above can help you exchange your LN sats to Onchain
The downside of splicing is that it will reduce your channel size and splicing hasn't yet available on many wallets other than Phoenix
I'd just suggest Boltz if you're new
+1 for boltz, I’ve had good success with it
I will look into it and see :)
hhhmm....I will have to think about it. Seems like they are safe on SN for now lol
FYI, SN has 100k wallet limit, above that you can still receive zaps but not deposit
Meaning I can exceed 100k, but not put any in, right?