I am almost at 100k. I believe by the end of the night, I will have made it. I feel that is a slight achievement. I am starting to get the hang of this SN thing! My next goal will be 250k. I still have to figure out how to withdraw, but SN seems to be kind of a nice holding place. I know I shouldnt hold them here, but I will figure out how to use btc lightning someday. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I have noticed some post get more traction than others, that is just life. Timing is also another big thing, if I post at midnight it doesnt do as well. There are so many things I am still learning! I have managed to keep my hat for 42 days...thats something. Thanks for the journey so far :)
Well done! I use Blink and Speed wallets for small amounts of BTC. They are custodial but easy to use and worth getting to know.
Blink requires phone number which is light-KYC and Speed is even worse
I also thought like that, but you can click the "use email instead" and don't provide phone number. You can also delete the number from existing account if you have an email added but I suppose they gonna store it on the server anyway, but give it a try
Okay, I will give it a try .
Blink does not require a phone verification but without it you're stuck at "account level zero" and limited to $150 withdrawals and payments per day.
hhhmm... I would like one without kyc.
Try Wallet of Satoshi perhaps. It’s popular and has been around for a while. No KYC.
Didnt wallet of satoshi just have something happen?
It blocks access coming from US IP, same as Phoenix, Blink & ZBD
Right right. No US access.
I will have to take a look at it. Is it easier and anonymous?
Blink uses your mobile number to back up so not really. Speed uses an email address. Aqua is completely anonymous but slightly more complicated. Worth a look though.
hmm, not sure if I'd trust Aqua.
Aqua sounds like a winner. Does it do the splicing service?
No, it's Liquid wallet attached to Boltz to stimulate LN experience. In another words : it does not support LN by native
okay, maybe I will have to try another one.
I use Zeus to retrieve sats. I used it too to set my Nostr keys and get a LN address. So it's pretty versatile. It's also non custodial and haves perfect test rating on walletscrutiny
Congratulations. Keep it up. Soon your target of 250k will also be achieved.
hhhmm...I guess it depends on how well I make my posts and comments!
Yes, you are right. It depends on the quality of the content you will publish.
Yes, it always depends on the quality.
Thanks man. That cinelli post was one of my best ones! Keith Haring.
Well done.
I think @k00b is going to have some wallet announcements soon. There are plenty of lightning wallets you could start with now, but if you're not in a rush you may want to see if any in particular are going to be recommended for attaching to Stacker News.
Yes, I remember there were a few annoucements a couple weeks ago. I have very specific guidelines. I want a wallet that doesnt have my name attached. I would like to be able to turn the sats from the lightning side to the bitcoin side. Is that even possible? Do you understand what I mean?
You mean...... like a swap service ?. I have a wallet directory too if that helps (a bit outdated tho)
Oh, its called swapping?
Yeah lemme explain some of them :
Trusted swap : straight forward exchanging onchain sats to LN sats or vice versa based on trust (usually bcs the software is closed-source)
Atomic swap : using HTLC which mean it's either successfully happened in a non-custodial manner or not happened at all
Splicing : spending your LN sats to Onchain address. There is no exchange interaction actually
Robosats : coordinated exchange swap using hodl invoice to create non-custodial UX
Lastly, closing your channel (least recommended)
Maybe what I want is called splicing? I would like to send these sats to an old btc address.
Anything i mentioned above can help you exchange your LN sats to Onchain
The downside of splicing is that it will reduce your channel size and splicing hasn't yet available on many wallets other than Phoenix
I'd just suggest Boltz if you're new
+1 for boltz, I’ve had good success with it
hhhmm....I will have to think about it. Seems like they are safe on SN for now lol
Wow, congrats on this Satosara! Yea I've seen you in a few posts now. I am on day 7. Posting is definitely a habit I am getting used to - and I like!
Thanks! You will be able to reach this too if you keep at it.
With the right amount, I have a solution to withdraw satoshi - but it's only transferring btc from sn to a private hardware wallet (on safepal, I know it's not a completely safe wallet and there are better ones) but this one will cost me 10,000 satoshi fee on the bitcoin network , in total, I am approaching 2,000 satoshi, so I wish you good collecting and more substantive posts that will not only relate to my life, but can actually show an interesting train of thought based on a logical and coherent point of thinking.
I might try p2p.
Please take my first sat stacked. A humble 1.
Well done! Many more to come!
Best of Luck!!
Thanks! I enjoy your posts, too!
congrats, just stay humble.
Thank you lil hamstr :)
Congratulations on your achievement! I'm also on my way to 250k, for many more successes for you!
Congrats! With your posts, you will make it soon :)
Thanks mate!
Well done @Satosora ! Guides from @DarthCoin may help you to decide.
@DarthCoin has already helped me a lot! Hopefully his hand heals so he can type without pain.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @BTCFC 9 Jun
Congrats! I've been using Mutiny, simple enough even for a pleb like me!
I will have to take a look at it :)
I just got the dreaded message: Your wallet is over the current limit (100k sats) Deposits to your wallet from outside of SN are blocked. Please spend or withdraw sats to restore full wallet functionality.
That's a good problem to have.