Serving one’s country is entirely different from serving one’s government. They are not the same. Serving one’s country is serving one’s family, friends, neighbors, and the land that they’ve made home. Serving one’s country is serving one’s community. Serving one’s government, however, is ultimately what everyone does when they enlist or when they take my path as an officer.
this territory is moderated
I obviously don't need a government to change my pants, but I don't see the need for a country either, and I wouldn't want to fight for mine.
I don't feel "proud" for being part of my country, I had no part in the accomplishments of my forefathers or the athletes representing my country.
Concepts of countries divide us as humans, pit us in needless competition or outright wars.
You seem to forget how violent history is. People aren’t nice in general. Governments and countries were formed to allow people to live and flourish in a culture they see fit. Modern life has gotten so easy now people forget that if someone can steal from you and get away with it they will.
The libertarian/free market still doesn’t have a solution on how to deal with a psychopath or a gang of psychopaths.
The libertarian/free market still doesn’t have a solution on how to deal with a psychopath or a gang of psychopaths.
Yeah, I keep asking how the justice system would work in an AnCap society and have yet to see a satisfactory answer.
Until then, I remain convinced that this problem is best solved by some degree of centralisation.
Still, I don't see how rallying people under a single banner solves any problems (especially since it means rallying against someone else).
What I'm trying to say is, I'm not against a very limited government, but I'm definitely against nationalism.
200 sats \ 3 replies \ @anon 9 Jun
Still, I don't see how rallying people under a single banner solves any problems
Numbers. Your psychopathic neighbors who want to steal your stuff are often rallying under a single banner, their violent government. The nature of war is such that defending yourself in battle requires large scale coordination to be most successful. Thus you're going to need to rally your own people under a single banner to successfully defend yourselves.
This is exactly why almost every neighbor of Russia has either joined NATO, or is actively trying to join. NATO is the biggest banner they can rally under to discourage Russia from invading.
And on the flip side Russia still exists after so many attempts of conquest. From the Brits to the Germans. We often focus heavily on Jewish losses but over 20+ million Russians died in WWII.
Most German soldiers died on the eastern front
NATO expansion has been a mistake
It’s not about solving a problem it’s about people coming together and deciding to live their lives a certain way.
Bitcoiners love to champion El Salvador for making bitcoin legal tender because those group of people wish to live on a more fair standard than the one we have now. Now if India hates that and want to blow them off the face of the earth then it makes Complete sense people band together and defend themselves
The libertarian/free market still doesn’t have a solution on how to deal with a psychopath or a gang of psychopaths.
I don't know how to deal with individual psychopaths, but a gang of psychopaths is called a government and defunding it is a good way to deal with it.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 9 Jun
How are you going to defund another country's government when they're attacking you?
The government isn’t a monolith. What about the part of government that makes sure your water is clean and your power doesn’t blow out the circuits in your house.
Government corrupt because they are made up of humans the vile and evil shit they do most logical people don’t condone but defunding the government is only one aspect of trying to stop evil you still have to deal with the morality and culture of the people as a whole.
Hoover Dam and Niagara Falls
We should let the market decide
Bad joke
Sadly most people can’t make this distinction and lump all government employees and military service members as statist cucks. Some people just want to do good service others and make the a better place before they leave here.
A man with a desire for revenge against his supposed enemies who realizes that deep down they were not so bad? Who is the bad guy really? there is a lot of hatred in many parts of the world towards the United States and sometimes, I am not surprised.
Your country is here. We are your country, and when things get bad, we will need you here, not fighting those in a different country who pose no threat to us while leaving us vulnerable to our greatest threat.
Real words! I always believed that the overstaying of US corps in Afghanistan was a propoganda and Taliban was much better than the local police and administration set up by US.
Thinking about truth bombs. That’s one right there.
They also dont want you to know that you arent fighting for your countries freedom, you are fighting for some old mens whims.
No objection to the views of the writer. However, does this imply that everyone must reject serving in the Army on the basis of points made in the article. It's a requirement for every country. It's not that someone shouldn't join defense services but the frustration lies in the ways you're deployed. It's the mindset by which you serve. I believe that people while serving military should raise voices of concern while in service. After they are retired, it becomes meaningless
Law enforcement officers have to enforce the law not do what politicians tell them. Theoretically and ideally
" You can give your heart to Jesus, but your ass belongs to the Corps (USMC)" GySgt Hartman, Senior Drill Instructor
The brainwashing nowadays is so unreal at these enlistment centers. Targeting the youth that don't creatively think, follow orders without question, and don't have a road up in the world naturally.
We need a National Guard, not 5 branches of military invading other countries. The military-industrial complex is a train that cannot be stopped in this system we have created unfortunately.
I respect those who put their life on the line, but this system needs to change. Death, and destruction for families, profits, and kickbacks for companies/politicians.
Well said.
This is a good one to send to young people who may still be idealistic about joining the armed forces.
Don't let them use you.
Good post/link @siggy47
deleted by author
I think Israel is learning that lesson in real time.
124 sats \ 6 replies \ @anon 9 Jun
How so? Hamas is getting slaughtered even though the IDF is outnumbered when operating in Gaza. In the latest hostage rescue just one Israeli died, while the IDF killed dozens of Hamas members guarding the hostages.
Every one of those deaths creates ten more committed Hamas members who will be willing to defend their homeland.
I’ve changed my mind about this in the last 30 days
Learning more about the Israel lobby and Christian Zionism etc
So? Israel just needs to blockade the borders and prevent weapons and materials flowing in, and those "committed Hamas members" will be slaughtered if they try to do anything about it. The only reason Oct 7th could happen was because Egypt allowed Hamas to "smuggle" in weapons via the Egypt-Gaza border. Israel now controls that border, along with every other Gazan border.
The only hope for Gaza is to either renounce their hatred of Jews and build a peaceful society. Or hope that Israel gets destroyed by some other entity other than Hamas.
So if you say that the reason this ignited was because Egypt allowed it to happen, isn't this saying that either, bribery took place, or Israel's neighbors are not ideologically aligned with Israel, or a combination of both, i.e, mutual incentives for an ideologically aligned bloc?
Saying that Israel needs to do x, y, z is just ignoring the fact that it didn't do that then, and that in the future it won't be able to control all of its neighboring states. It'll be some other proxy war. Israeli government can't change the surrounding world just because it wishes to. At some point, Gaza might be long gone, but in order to achieve that, Israeli government will heighten the hatred of those nations in the world that are opposed to the Israeli government.
No? I don't think the demise of Gaza is the end of the problem.
So if gazans renounce their hatred of jews this all ends?
Renounce hatred for Jews? Are you trying to kill comedy lol
It’s better for all parties to create a Palestinian state in the West Bank, which is sandwiched between Israel and Jordan 🇯🇴
This won’t resolve all issues but a step in the right direction.