I dreamed about (almost) being in a car accident today.
The driver was driving at high speed and reckless; overtaking cars on the right and with little to no margin. I told him to slow down because it's only a matter of time until he's going to lose control. He lost control of the vehicle after passing another car too close and steering the car back into the line. We were spinning at high speed.
Apparently, all I would do in such a case is to say "Told you so." and brace for impact. I closed my eyes and started to calculate the chances of survival and at what cost. I saw none. I sighed.
When I opened my eyes, we were in a parking lot with no damages. I said to myself: "Damn, next time I'm not going to close my eyes!"
Not sure how representative this is of the real thing (probably not very much) but it felt pretty real 👀
it was real or just a dream ?
you will never know
the more interesting Q is why you had that dream, is it a warning of something?
In my opinion, dreams don't have a meaning, that's just people wanting answers to everything. Dreams are simply forgotten memories in our brains.
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👀 would this anon also have some good recommendations to dig more regarding this #571048
I think my brain was just bored