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So you don't want to travel anywhere, is what you're saying, outside 48 states? see this Yes, it states very clearly it's a U.S. Passport it also states OR non-citizen national of the U.S ...For the purpose of travel, YES you follow their rules and shit since you're involved in commercial but it ends there.
---you can have [1]US citizenship, then [2]U.S Nationals.. so non-citizen national is something else
you are free to do whatever you want, I know ppl that play with the system how they see fit. with or without passport. and even if you have it, it can benefit you when you know how everything works. why not making your own country ffs :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gf7njkGOvYg
why not making your own country ffs :)
The Convention on the Rights and Duties of States is an international treaty signed in Montevideo, Uruguay, on December 26, 1933.
The convention establishes the definition of the State, its rights and obligations.
In Article 1 it establishes four characteristic criteria of a State that have become part of customary international law.
They have been recognized as confirmation in International Law, establishing that a State as a person of International Law must meet the following requirements:
The State as a subject of International Law must meet the following requirements:
I. – Permanent population (me) II. - Determined territory (my body) III. - Government (I can be my own gov) IV. —Ability to enter into relations with other States (happy to do that anytime)
Under these guidelines, any entity that meets these criteria can be considered a sovereign state under international law, whether or not it has been recognized by other states.
make your own country? --what if you get ambassador status of another country? ambassador is not the same as a citizen after all 🤔
exactly that. Wherever you go you are an ambassador for your own country. Then read what you have to do as an ambassador and the extra rights you will have.
The same Montevideo convetion state:
ARTICLE 3 The political existence of the state is independent of its recognition by other states. Even before being recognized, the State has the right to defend its integrity and independence.
ARTICLE 7 The recognition of the State may be express or tacit. The latter results from any act that implies the intention to recognize the new State.
Also to read more the Vienna Convention from 1961, that stupilate how countr4ies would have diplomatic relations.
ok thanks
Thanks will read. I take it you're an ambassador?
LOL this video is amazing!
Right so you go back to citizen-SHIP. Good luck as a slave.
so you'll never travel is what you're saying? Walk or by car- that you own(you don't need a license however if you have a passport card with a changed status they also leave you alone)