Body Corporate

When a “legal fiction” or “corporation” is making a claim against you, although in reality it will not be you but against your own corporation, challenge the corporation that they are not a “for-profit” organisation.
All corporations are registered with Dun and Bradstreet, Companies House or the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
  • Companies House: the Department for Business registration within the UK Corporation.
  • Dun and Bradstreet: Credit reporting agency for corporations.
  • The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission: regulates companies within the USA Corporation.
Both the “council” and “police”, and indeed even the “government”, give the false, assumed illusion they are “not-for-profit”, when in fact they are.
For example: The UK Parliament is a for-profit company; company number: #UC2279443
This would prove conflict of interest within the court, as employees working for the “body corporate” would be making a claim for financial gain, and not “law”.
Note: when using an approach like this, word your question so your opponent is forced to deny something, rather than admit, because if they remain silent, they admit guilt automatically.
No one has to admit anything within court as everyone has the right to remain silent so not to self-incriminate.
And here it is the example of Corporations Posing As Governments
Also I recommend to all stackers to watch this mini documentary Secret City of London is a CORPORATION
simulation within the simulation