It's too soon to judge. Many temporary factors can cause temporary spikes for periods as large as 4 years or more, while a catastrophic fall is rooting underneath all along due to the growth being falsely underpinned. It happened here in Argentina: during the first socialist government after the 2001 crisis, the country was booming and had all economic indicators in bright green for has long as 4 years. It turned out that all along it was just an elaborate scheme to make it look like the socialistic measures were working, and during the following years consequences were paid dearly.
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 15 Jun
yes, for me it is important to paint a complete picture of the situation. in the european media, for example, this is completely ignored. While the situation of the European economy is painted in a rosy light, where everything points to recession and de-industrialization.
Problem is that the rest of the world is still doing worse. Europe is even still doing better (or more correctly, not yet doing as bad) as Argentina. The only thing that will correct all sensors lectures is a proper parameter. We aspire to be such parameter.