For me, it was when I realized that absolute digital scarcity cannot be reinvented, and that only Bitcoin is actually decentralized...
It's funny how obvious that is in retrospect, and how hard it is to get for so many people. If people truly got those two things, they would never shitcoin again...
For me, I think it was when I started listening to the 'What is Money?' show. I found about bitcoin long before that, had some skin in the game already, but I guess I had disregarded bitcoin importance in the world and the psychological impact it has on an individual
Learning about the technology that made it work and what separates bitcoin from the rest.
To me, bitcoin is like the invention of the internet or the wheel, why try to reinvent it 20,000 times? That's when, for me, the probability that every other cryptocurrency after bitcoin is a scam or not needed at all rose to about 99%.
It was when I realized how governments can use other cryptos and their functionalities (Like POS with no scarcity limit) to attack the individual control over it's own money. Also realizing how bizarre and nonsense the attacks on proof of work are
The second time it was in a bubble
backstory: I knew about fiat money and so on before i knew about Bitcoin
Then i heard about Bitcoin and i was like, wow this is it, this is what i was dreaming off back when i was reading about what money actually is
And then i tried to buy some but it wasn't easy at the time so i sort of gave up.
But then a few years later it starting rallying again and making headlines and the industry had come a long way in those two years. Buying was easier and i ended up fomoing in. This was almost 10 years ago. I dont even
Started in 2021, It was a basic understanding of what money is + the concept of immutable information for me.
Immutable information is such a revolutionary innovation. It’s simple yet so foreign. The fact that you can implement it in the form of a ledger means blockchain wins as a base settlement layer. The only question remaining is, which blockchain? But it doesn’t take long to understand that all other cryptos are either worse forms of bitcoin, or just more fiat/centralized currency.
I think I’ve benefited from the fact that there’s a TON of helpful info out there + 13ish years of history with bitcoin and other cryptos. Would have taken a lot longer if I started learning before the pandemic.
20 minutes into researching Bitcoin
Internet Money with a finite supply without the need for intermediaries.
"I said oh my god dad, there's an army of people that refuse to sell"
When the truely limited supply sinks in. And how dollars are not at all limited
For me, it was listening to Jack Mallers explain its use as a payments network or rails for global, borderless, instant, and cash final, transactions.
I still have them on a weekly basis! Bitcoin is different for everyone, so cool.
Didn't you already post this yesterday?