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Economic Gain

The word “fine” is a legal term used in regards to a breached policy within a contract, and for a “fine” to be issued you must first consent to the contract and accept the policy.
Therefore, if you are issued with a “fine” in court, you must question “the court” as follows:
  1. “Who is going to financially benefit regarding any fine that may be imposed?”
  2. “I require the contract to be brought forth to prove obligation to pay.”
Note: although difficult, it is possible to track payments and bonds that the court processes, so if done correctly you can prove fraud.
For example: if it is found that “the court” is working alongside “the police”, both having DUNS numbers or are registered businesses, like all are, then they are “for-profit”, so there is a clear and provable conflict of interest.
Note: when a court pronounces “debt to society” it is referring to the BAR association or “Law society”. There is no such thing as “debt to society”, assuming that means “to the people”, as “the people” do not receive the payment made.
BAR is an acronym for British Accreditation Registry and is a privately owned corporation.
Meaning, this is a fraudulent “court for profit” and no law is being conducted. Therefore, any employee of the court is committing barratry by using the phrase “pay your debt to society”.
EXCELLENT explanation!
Thank you very much for the explanation