sorry I will never ever zap shitcoiners and fiat maxis... I am not in top10 because I DO NOT WANT TO... That leaderboard is rigged and meaningless.
Sure tell yourself that all you want. To make yourself feel better. Besides if this site is full of fiat maxis fork the code and create a new stacker news and push sats out to people you deem are worthy of them
I do not need to fork SN... just have to be vigilant against fiat maxis like you and shame them in public
You think this is shaming me?!! lol you got the wrong one buddy! Unlike these other little pipsqueaks you bully into this stupid ass titles im not the one
You are shaming yourself continuing to support fiat / visa cards / tether. You are doing the hard work, not me. I am just pointing out your shame fiat comments.