The "crypto" complex has done a wonderful job demonizing bitcoiners and bitcoin centric projects as "toxic". When they are usually just toxic for the "crypto" complex.
You could offer sats loaded invite links to anyone who genuinely want to try it out but that's about all you can do.
I considered offering sats, but that's not who I want to attract.
I was hoping to land a couple of the people who are frustrated with the low quality engagement on Minds and wanted an opportunity to actually talk to people.
Everyone likes a little incentive. I don't think 1k sats is so much that they will take it and run. Besides even if they do they need to get a lightning wallet to cash out so that isn't a bad thing either.
That's a good point. I didn't think about the lightning wallet aspect.
If I had landed one good new stacker, I certainly would have considered it worth cost.
My big takeaway is that it's hard to identify potential stackers. As much as we love this environment, it's not for most people and that's probably a nice safeguard for the time being.