I'm feeling so happy and excited. My cute intelligent 'Chinks' is once again a mommy
she delivered a litter of nine puppies on last Monday. Now they are five days in this world without seeing anything till now.
This isn't the first time for her. She had been there for three times on previous occassions. One thing is quite amazing that her litter has always got larger every time. First time she delivered five, second time six and third time she gave birth to 8.
Whenever she gives birth, my family becomes so caring of her that I feel immensely relaxed. My mother who being a very religious lady doesn't usually touch a dog but in these times I can see my mother caressing her on the thick neck hair. I always knew that my mother loves Chinks with the same amount as we all do.
As, I mentioned that this is the fourth time she delivered a litter, all on her own. She had never required any type of help, not a vet and not even from us. She is so intelligent (it's natural for dogs) that she prepares everything for the ocassion. At the time of giving birth, she does everything by herself.
This makes me think how we humans have forgotten to be natural in many things. When I see other species on the planet keeping on with natural laws, I feel sad for human ways. Now-a-days one-third babies in the United States and nearly same in India are born caserian. When you look closely, you will find the reason being the unfollowing of natural ways. The more we become inclined to caesarian deliveries, the more this trend is gonna be adapted by upcoming generations.
I won't go very deep in what natural ways I'm talking about here because I believe every female knows them already. If you ask me, I will only tell you watch how animals process bringing new life. We need to learn from them.
Lastly again, I'm so happy for Chinks. She is healthy, happy and a great mother! She follows all natural ways.
It is an incredible experience. Our dog was pregnant when I was around 12 years old, but no one knew it. Everyone was out for the night. Our dog didn't come down for dinner. I tracked her down to my parent's room and saw her laying there with a gooey mess next to her. She got up and left when she saw me. I realized it was a puppy and hauled her back to take care of it. She did, and then later a second one was born. I was on my own. It really affected me. The puppies were healthy and our dog learned quickly to be a good mother. She had two more litters after that.
They try to find some secret and safe area. It would have been a real mess. I mean cleaning the bedroom would have been very distasteful experience.
We have some unbuilt area in our house, type of a backyard. There are lot of bishesh and a tree. We don't manage it to look like a small garden instead we leave the land to flourish own its own because of our dogs. They play there, mate there and when she is close to delivery, she just slowly goes under one of the bushes and lay there the new life. After 24 hours or so, I go with a basket and carry all the puppies with me inside our house. I won't do it if we don't have so many wild animals like jackals, foxes, wolves, leopards and more than 65 tigers who often approach near or inside the city.
Ours was a different environment- a suburban house.
I'm also living in a suburban area but lucky that it falls to be on the outlines of the area. There is so much open space after my house that I can view as long as I can. All green and lush with nature.
Congratulations Mommy Puppo 😻
Congratulations dude!!!!
Thanks mate!!
You're welcome!
OMG! So many! How many males? You promised to keep one for me. Now I'll take one.