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Please suggest the place or contact. Do not suggest btcmap.org, please.
I don't live in BsAs so sadly I can't tell first hand. Please ask in this community of BsAs bitcoin enthusiasts: https://discord.gg/6CnndYAy Not only they might know but might also want to meet you and give you as a gift one of their custom made LN cards. They are great guys :)
George Gammon didn't have much luck even with places that were reported to accept it.
The biggest bitcoin community in argentina https://www.instagram.com/lacryptaok
we are onboarding merchants with our open source wallet stack and pos. you can come over every tuesday.
Doesn't look like you have there reports about onboarded merchants.
I would love to know this too.
I went to two places listed in btcmap and neither had a clue of what bitcoin even was. So pretty disappointing.
Get in touch with the community at La Crypta, some members there will know for sure
This suggested podcast reports that 0 places from btcmap.org actually accept Bitcoin.
Why don't you just go to any shop and ask: acceptas pagos con bitcoin ? If the answer is "no" try to convince them to do it.
Thank you for asking. Because I am personally not in Buenos Aires.
I don't know of any, but I'd recommend joining a meetup - many of them may not be public about accepting it but do.