I had a funny idea last night:
What if we had a bot that is trained on our FAQ which then automatically responds with answers to questions about SN all around the site? Basically a chat bot for support that is integrated into the site in a natural way instead of as an annoying chat bubble.
It could find questions by checking where @k00b or me are mentioned and later be even more intelligent and read every comment to find if there is a question it can answer in it.
It would also mean that we get more value out of the FAQ since it's used to keep the bot's knowledge updated. The bot doesn't know what isn't in the FAQ.
I wonder if that's something one could build with ~openagents?
Is such complicated for people to click on that FAQ page and read it? SN bot = instant mute
Is such complicated for people to click on that FAQ page and read it?
you know the answer
SN bot = instant mute
GFY (Good For You)
You're brightening my morning, deadbeat.
I like the idea, btw, especially the more advanced one that looks for questions that it can answer.
You're brightening my morning, deadbeat.
I'm sorry
Classic Britta
You don't respond to anything the way you;re supposed to