As a practicing solo-preneur capturing fiat for satstacking by working for real estate owners who are fully embedded in the fiat plantations I am forced to overprice my services so I can deal with delays and fees using centralized fiat payment processors. My business costs go up just to get paid in shitty digital fiat monopoly 'money' through KYC'd systems, and my idiot clients, even the tech savvy ones in Austin, TX Bitcoin Mecca, would rather pay me $200 extra each week rather than pay me in cash, or to save $400 each week to pay me in LN sats.
The problem I find with running a business these days, in the US at least, is that many are still enjoying their seigniorage, paying higher amounts for more services than Bitcoiners will ever consider doing. Those who've left the fiat monopoly money game board are FAR less willing to part with their capital for any reason and tend to be far more competent as critical thinking problem solvers capable of doing things for themselves. I literally have full grown adults paying me over $1/minute to climb on a ladder to change light bulbs or hang pictures. Bitcoiners won't even buy chairs, let alone pay for drapes or for someone to hang a TV or art on the walls.
Seems to me that any and all businesses that begin operating on a Satoshi Standard will over time accumulate more capital than those currently drunk on the fiat debauchery that's commonplace these days. Until then, I'll gratefully stack sats as often and in every way that I can, trying to administer as many profitable income streams as I can.
Personally, I'm trying to figure out how to earn sats by helping other solo-preneurs stack more sats for themselves using whatever talents they may possess. Putting on my own satoshi life mask 1st...
Is understandable that your actual business is based on older clients that are still stuck in fiat world. Is not even worth it the effort to start convincing those to user Bitcoin. You are right, charge an extra fee for paying in fiat. Fiat maxis will don't bother.
In time, I would recommend to promote your services to a broader spectrum of clients, where maybe you will find some bitcoiners willing to pay for your services in sats.
Or consider changing your activity if you really want to be paid in bitcoin.