?? I haven't used it yet, but I am thinking about opening a channel and connecting it to my nostr mobile app (primal) with NWC. I'm not using Alby. I currently do this with Mutiny, but I need another option.
On the last blog post of January 2024, https://blog.zeusln.com/new-release-zeus-v0-8-1/ It says "this work [Persistent LND] paves the way to implement NWC (Nostr Wallet Connect) down the road". So most likely not yet implemented. You don't use Alby apparently but still you can use Alby with Zeus. The NWC connection is done on the website of Alby.
Thanks for that information. Maybe I'll stick with Mutiny for now since I have it working again.
interesting, I also never use Nostr on mobile, now that you made me curious about how ppl even zap in the phones.
It took me forever to find a convenient way. I finally got Mutiny to work, but it's very hit or miss.
I just use River. Super easy.