Hi All - A few years back when I visited El Salvador on Bitcoin day, it was very exciting to see people adopt a Bitcoin where they previously didn't have bank accounts. Please note I haven't been in a couple years, so things may have changed, but I'm sure this issue is will occur in other places around the world.
Everything went decently, and at the time one of the issues was some people didn't have good phones to accept/send Bitcoin. Some didn't have good service as well.
I've been thinking about this, there are potentially other countries out their that would consider adopting Bitcoin from a legal tender standpoint, but they don't as a percentage of their population doesn't have a reliable cellphone or network connectivity.
I tried paying this musician in El Tunco, and unfortunately, I couldn't scan the QR code because her screen was cracked. She had the wallets, she knew how to receive, but I couldn't scan. There are many more individuals like this in the developing world who want to participate but don't have the money for a reliable smartphone. I had another vendor that didn't even have a smartphone so I had to pay in dollars. They make a few bucks a day.
What could be done to get individuals the tech to be able to transact with Bitcoin but don't have the funds? As for the connectivity, Starlink wasn't around at the time - and I believe this may solve a lot of these issues. I think this is a real hurdle to consider, but something that isn't impossible to solve with so many secondhand phones being discarded in America that are perfectly fine. How can the flow of these discarded phones be redirected towards "Bitcoin Countries"?