Always keep your status: #518001
All that part about being a "state citizen" is crap. See #512296
Important is where you position yourself:
I'd remove the inner 2 Venn diagram squares. Company department and company is bullshit, just change your job. Or be your own job and found a company.
It doest get to be on the chart if one can just not comply lmao šŸ¤£
States have citizenship, but since US citizens are federal citizens, the state citizens are now referred to as nationals. The territories are another thing which I don't know enough about to comment. And Hamstr is right, it does not matter if she does not contract as citizen
While some constitutional issues are truly difficult, with framing-era sources either nonexistent or contradictory, here, the relevant materials clearly indicate that a ā€œnatural born Citizenā€ means a citizen from birth with no need to go through naturalization proceedings. The Supreme Court has long recognized that two particularly useful sources in understanding constitutional terms are British common law3 and enactments of the First Congress.4 Both confirm that the original meaning of the phrase ā€œnatural born Citizenā€ includes persons born abroad who are citizens from birth based on the citizenship of a parent.
if this is correct, I'm natural born citizen. Correct me if I'm wrong. Because 14th amendment becomes N/A so THEY have to FIND a box to PUT me in.
afaik I can request US national (non-citizen) passport by simply pledging allegiance to the US, and having never stepped on US soil
says, i need to go to a Secretary of in D.c?
Get in! You have 5 seconds to comply!
After having a monologue with myself, I just had a thought.. Since I'm STATUTORY, would this essentially disqualifies me being traded on the Fed Reserve because it doesn't have a birth certificate number like others. All they have is a record of my CRBA. however, I do have a SSN(a lot of nationals do I'm sure), so I could in theory unsubscribe?
I wouldn't worry about that. You are not traded, the person's bond is. All ssn's, certificates, papers, imaginary numbers don't matter for a sovereign mindset.
But would it be nuts to demand the actual bond? Its just so weird being statutory.. I literally could claim either or. But get this, I went to the passport office people from Saipan are default u.s nationals but people born Guam are u.s. citizens by default. Which is why Julian held court in Saipan and not Guam. They're being deceived to believe they're u.s. citizens because the clerk said lots of Saipan folks put they're u.s. citizens