This and Cryptosovereignty by Eric Cason are underrated books in the space. I was thinking about doing a review of this book on the Medium platform.
This book puts things in perspective. None of these guys were trying to get rich more trying to preserve rights and freedoms granted by a creator and not man
I know people come in to bitcoin to get rich as I did in 2017 but when you read books like this it shows how humble these early adopters were and most didn’t or won’t end up fabulously wealthy.
Thus I should be more humble and not be obsessed with getting rich off bitcoin
I really want to read the Cason book too. Maybe now I have the motivation. Good observation about the pre Satoshi people.
Yeah it’s not the easiest read. Some of the stuff is hard to comprehend. But the overall message resonated with me and how the state basically does what ever they want