Anytime you use an AI to write something for you, on some level you're admitting a smart high schooler writes, and because writing is thinking, thinks better than you do.
Not quite. What you're admitting is that the difference in quality between you and the smart high schooler is not worth your time and effort for that task.
You’re right much better. I just get kind of pissed when I see it so I’m trying moralize it.
Tbf I was going to add an “or, you don’t think your reader deserves better than a smart high schooler.” Still, moralizing.
I'm not quite sure yet, but when considering some of the literature I've been reviewing lately, specifically the Bhagavad-Gita and John Mill's "On Liberty," moralizing with the intent to inspire self-discovered and self-driven action might be morally correct. From the Bhagavad-Gita:
One should remember man's spirit as the guide, the primordial poet, smaller than an atom, granter of all things, in form inconceivable, the color of the sun beyond darkness.
I'm certainly not above moralizing. I like your omitted addendum.
In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with admitting this.
I agree. There's nothing [morally] wrong with being below average at most things.
writing is thinking
Is it?
I haven't been able to write coherently without thinking before, have you?
I think therefore I can write versus I can write therefore I think.
Are you saying that because transformers can write that they can think?
I think therefore I can write versus I can write therefore I think.
Fair, but I mostly meant, exceptions excepted: I struggle to write therefore I struggle to think.
Are you saying that because transformers can write that they can think?
It depends on how one defines thinking. I don't know how to define it. I suspect some of our thinking resembles the way LLMs think do things.
This reminded me of a girl I met once who had a bizarre cognitive deficiency.
Her writing ability surpassed her reading comprehension.
Let that and it's implications sink in. Brains are really weird.
No human can do that.
the more you let A.I do the your thinking for you the more you become dumb and lazy
Today I decided not to use GPS for directions while driving far from home in an unfamiliar area. I'm really feeling like GPS is making me dumber. I'm thinking I would like to stop using it altogether. As far as AI goes, I really don't have a use case for something like chatGPT.