If the answer is YES, please join to this Amboss Merchant Nodes Community and update your Amboss node profile with more info about your shop/business/webshop where people can find you.
What is most needed for a merchant accepting BTC and running a node? Inbound liquidity! Other node operators can find your node, open a channel towards your node and also can start buying your stuff. Win-Win situation!
If the answer is NO, you are just a new node operator, connect your node to some of these merchant nodes, also start buying stuff from those and many others. Your node connected to these merchants also will get more connectivity for routing all other txs you will do, not only your buys from them.
Let's make this happen, create the Bitcoin circular economy. Only working together we can push this forward.
Yes. I'm a merchant currently installing lightning enabled terminals at merchants. the node is us0.paysea.net and I need 2 approvals. https://amboss.space/communityRequest/adbc558c-bcba-4a7e-9bba-faedf312c4c8