I realized I still didn't ask you:
What's your strategy with losing weight? Calisthenics? Intermittent fasting? Counting calories? Only eating as fast as a snail?
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Tbh, I think 0.5kg / week is still a lot.
Also, I realized in the past that tracking my weight distracted me from the more important thing: how I feel in my body. If you gain more muscle than you lose fat, you'll gain weight, which can be demotivating, even though it’s actually a better outcome. I don’t even know how much I weighed when I was at my peak bouldering performance.
I have also started exercising again, and while I will keep track of my weight, I don’t have specific weight goals. Instead, I have exercise goals like reaching my previous bouldering grade, running 10km again, or being able to do 10 pull-ups. I think my weight will decrease, but I'll be more happy when I can do even one good pull-up. I think I was never able to do that in my life, lol.
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I have read that waist measurement should be less than half your height
Waist > 0.5 * height = danger ‼️ zone