Maybe dumb question: I'd like to play around with non custodial zapping through NWC and LNC. How do you select which wallet is doing the zapping?
You can't yet select a wallet just for zapping. If you have enough funds held custodially, we'll use those funds. If you don't have enough funds, then we'll use the attached wallet.
For playing around, right now, it might be best to spin up an alt without any money in the wallet, attach a wallet, and zap.
An alternative to spinning up an alt is to also attach a receiving wallet for autowithdrawals and set that to 0. Then you will always zap from your attached wallets. That's what I am doing and that's why I am marked as a freebie.
I use LND for autowithdrawals and NWC for payments using nostr-wallet-connect-lnd.
Got it. I'll let you know how it goes.