Been waiting for more people to come out and say this.
The technocratic state. Cough, I mean democracy.
I swear, its like these people will only speak the truth when all other options are gone. The whole system we are taught in school is a farce and there are plenty of people like this guy that probably know that but they go along with the shared lie we are all taught.
The silver lining of all this is that I think more people will begin to see the false nature of the world we are shown and begin to see the truth through the cracks.
this territory is moderated
You see this same thing with the Chevron decision. People angry that legislators should be forced to define the scope of the executive branch actions. Its rather absurd for the same people to claim they value democracy.
That's the most important point that no one seems to even notice.
I mean this kind of stuff is what led me to disassociate with both parties. Both really only care about power and really lack any guiding principles. The ones they claim to hold they contradict if it means they get their way. Its a naked desire for power over others.
You see this with the over-turning of Roe. Abortion goes back to the states which each make their own laws. States can go either way. Those that disagree with the policy can vote with their feet.
But what do we see from both sides. Its not enough. There are conservatives that want to pass a nationwide ban and their opposition want to pass a nationwide approval.
I'm only using abortion as an example here. One could use MANY other things.